Common Types of Heart Defects


杰克逊出生时患有三尖瓣闭锁, hypoplastic right ventricle, 房间隔缺损和室间隔缺损.

Congenital heart defects are structural problems arising from abnormal formation of the heart or major blood vessels. 至少有18种不同类型的先天性心脏缺陷被确认, 有许多额外的解剖变异. Ongoing progress in diagnosis and treatment (surgery and heart catheterization) makes it possible to treat most defects, 即使是那些曾经被认为没有希望的人.

The Outlook

如果你的孩子今天出生就有心脏缺陷, the chances are better than ever that the problem can be overcome and that a fulfilling adult life will follow. As diagnosis and treatment continue to advance, treatments other defects will be developed. Your cardiologist will discuss your particular heart defect, treatment options and expected results.

The descriptions and pictures of common heart defects that follow will help you understand the heart problem you or your child are facing. For more in-depth information, use the links which will provide a deeper of explanation of the science and will also answer some common questions such as treatment options, ongoing care needs, 预期的限制或活动水平.


Healthy Heart Function

A normal heart has valves, arteries and chambers that carry the blood in a circulatory pattern: body–heart–lungs–heart–body. 所有腔室和阀门工作正常, 血液被泵入心脏, to the lungs for oxygen, 把心脏放回体外供氧. When valves, chambers, arteries and veins are malformed, this circulation pattern can be impaired. 先天性心脏缺陷是出生时就存在的畸形. 它们可能对人的循环系统有破坏性影响,也可能没有.


Aortic Valve Stenosis (AVS)

A valve from the heart to the body that does not properly open and close and may also leak blood. 当从心脏流出的血液被一个工作不佳的瓣膜困住时, 压力可能会在心脏内部积聚并造成损害.

More information about Aortic Valve Stenosis.

Atrial Septal Defect (ASD)


This defect allows oxygen-rich blood to leak into the oxygen-poor blood chambers in the heart. ASD是一种位于心脏两个上腔(心房)之间的隔膜的缺陷。. 隔膜是分隔心脏左右两侧的一堵墙.

More information about Atrial Septal Defect.



This narrowing affects blood flow where the arteries branch out to carry blood along separate vessels to the upper and lower parts of the body. 辅酶a会导致高血压或心脏损伤.

More information about 主动脉收缩(CoA).


A large hole in center of the heart affecting all four chambers where they would normally be divided. 当一颗心被正确地分割, the oxygen-rich blood from the lungs does not mix with the oxygen-poor blood from the body. A CAVC allows blood to mix and the chambers and valves to not properly route the blood to each station of circulation.

More information about 完全性房室管缺损(CAVC).


A heart in which the two main arteries carrying blood away from the heart are reversed.


When a d-transposition occurs, the blood pathway is impaired because the two arteries are connecting to the wrong chambers in the heart.


  • 身体-心脏-身体(没有被输送到肺部供氧)或
  • 肺-心脏-肺(不向身体输送氧气)

Without surgery, the only way to survive this condition temporarily is to have leakages that allow some oxygen-rich blood to cross into the oxygen-poor blood for delivery to the body. A hospital facility can also catheterize a patient until corrective surgery can be performed.

More information about 大动脉转位.

Ebstein's Anomaly

A malformed heart valve that does not properly close to keep the blood flow moving in the right direction. Blood may leak back from the lower to upper chambers on the right side of the heart. This syndrome also is commonly seen with ASD (or a hole in the wall dividing the two upper chambers of the heart).

More information about Ebstein's Anomaly.



This malformation of the heart causes a reversal in the normal blood flow pattern because the right and left lower chambers of the heart are reversed. The I-transposition, however, is less dangerous than a d-transposition because the great arteries are also reversed. This "double reversal" allows the body to still receive oxygen-rich blood and the lungs to still receive the oxygen-poor blood.

More information about 大动脉转位.


An unclosed hole in the aorta.

Before a baby is born, the fetus's blood does not need to go to the lungs to get oxygenated. The ductus arteriosis is a hole that allows the blood to skip the circulation to the lungs. However, when the baby is born, 血液必须在肺部获得氧气,这个洞应该关闭. If the ductus arteriosis is still open (or patent) the blood may skip this necessary step of circulation. 这个开放的孔称为动脉导管未闭.

More information about 动脉导管未闭(PDA)

Pulmonary Valve Stenosis

心脏瓣膜不能完全打开的增厚或融合的心脏瓣膜. 肺动脉瓣允许血液流出心脏, 进入肺动脉,然后进入肺部.

More information about Pulmonary Valve Stenosis.

Single Ventricle Defects

影响心脏下腔的罕见疾病. 腔室可能较小、发育不全或缺少一个瓣膜.

左心发育不良综合征(HLHS) 左心脏发育不全. The aorta and left ventricle are too small and the holes in the artery and septum did not properly mature and close.

肺闭锁/完整室间隔- 肺动脉瓣不存在, and the only blood receiving oxygen is the blood that is diverted to the lungs through openings that normally close during development.

Tricuspid Atresia — There is no tricuspid valve in the heart so blood cannot flow from the body into the heart in the normal way. The blood is not being properly refilled with oxygen it does not complete the normal cycle of body–heart –lungs–heart –body.

More information about Single Ventricle Defects.

Tetralogy of Fallot


They are:

  • 心脏下腔之间的孔
  • 从心脏到肺部的阻塞
  • 主动脉(血管)位于下腔洞的上方
  • 右下心室周围的肌肉过度增厚

More information about Tetralogy of Fallot.



In TAPVC, the blood does not take the normal route from the lungs to the heart and out to the body. Instead, the veins from the lungs attach to the heart in abnormal positions and this problem means that oxygenated blood enters or leaks into the wrong chamber.

More information about 全肺静脉异常连接(TAPVC).

Truncus Arteriosus

When a person has one large artery instead of two separate ones to carry blood to the lungs and body.

在正常的心脏中,血液遵循这样的循环:身体-心脏-肺-心脏-身体. When a person has a truncus arteriosus, the blood leaving the heart does not follow this path. 它只有一条血管,而不是肺和身体的两条分开的血管. With only one artery, there is no specific path to the lungs for oxygen before returning to the heart to deliver oxygen to the body.

More information about Truncus Arteriosus.



In normal development, 胎腔之间的壁在胎儿出生前闭合, so that by birth, 富氧血液被防止与贫氧血液混合. When the hole does not close, 它可能导致心脏压力升高或身体供氧减少.

More information about 室间隔缺损(VSD).